More specifically the College Fanz Sports Network’s NAIA Super Six. Saint Xavier (IL) University senior quarterback Anthony Kropp will be appearing in the summer blockbuster The Super Six. Which of the following is the USF athletics site: Everyone is a winner when USF volleyball takes the floor. Your score: It doesn’t matter how many answers you got right. Lady Ga Ga‘s Christmas At Seaworld Special Q: USF volleyball starts their 2010 season on Sept 3rd against the Dakota State Trojans in what event?ģ.

Maintaining a minimum grade point average of 3.30 By whacking Paul Castellano outside Sparks’ Steak HouseĤ. Playing by your own set of rules but getting resultsģ. By doing real well in the swimsuit and evening gown competitionĢ. Q: How do you earn your way on to this exclusive list?ġ. 12 Dangerous Organizations And How They Threaten World Peace Q: On what list did this prestigious organization include USF’s volleyball program?Ĥ. Q: What prestigious organization recently honored the University Of Sioux Falls‘ volleyball program with inclusion on its latest list?ģ. Balladeer’s Blog with one of those lame Top 20 listsĤ. You could do one yourself of course, or if you like I could Continue reading → Sagas are fictional biographies of a Western character I invent for somebody after I familiarize myself with their personality and favorite subjects. What are “Sagas” in the context of Frontierado? Christmas has Christmas Carol singing, Frontierado has Sagas. How is Frontierado celebrated? Frontierado is celebrated with a get-together with family and friends involving a meal (cooked outdoors or indoors, whatever you prefer), Sagas, Frontierado Poker, Cactus Jacks and a viewing of the official Frontierado western, Silverado. Isn’t it a nice change of pace to have a three-day weekend that doesn’t have the holiday on a Monday? When is Frontierado? Frontierado is the First Friday of August every year. How do you pronounce Frontierado? I pronounce it frawn-teer-AW-do and since I invented the Holiday I can pronounce it however I like.

What does Frontierado mean? I named the Holiday this because I think it sounds cool and the “frontier” part of the name captures the old west feel I’m going for. It’s a holiday I simply made up to fill the down time between The 4th of July and Labor Day. Frontierado celebrates the romantic myth of the Old West, as opposed to the gritty reality. What is Frontierado? Frontierado is a holiday my family and I celebrate each year.